Evolving environments: Finding your way around exhibitions in 2022

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, you’ll often hear people talking about going ‘back to normal’ or ‘the new normal.’ For me, neither of those phrases are correct for the world of exhibitions and trade shows. The industry won’t go ‘back to normal’ because so many innovations have been made in technology and design and we want to keep those. Neither are we entering a ‘new normal,’ because the industry isn’t static, but continuously evolving, as we tackle challenging issues like sustainability and adapt to changing COVID rules. Here are my tips for exhibition leaders on the best ways to keep moving with these ever-changing times and make the most of the great opportunities that lie ahead.

  1. Go greener – We know that clients want to keep their carbon footprint down for ethical and environmental reasons, but I believe going greener can also help you to forge longer-lasting relationships with suppliers and agencies. One of the best ways to eliminate waste is to reuse and recycle materials, so longer term relationships between clients and suppliers can really help you to plan where those assets could be repurposed. We are members of isla, a group working to help the event and exhibition industry to be more sustainable. The group are creating a tool called Trace, which will measure the carbon footprint of your event, from energy use to travel impact and waste generation. That will allow you to make more informed decisions about everything, from the size of LED wall you want to use, to the type of truck you want to bring your materials in.
  1. Communicating effectively is more important than ever – If you are organising a stand at a big trade show, the conversations between you, your agency and the overall exhibition organiser have always been key. However, that relationship will not be the same one you had in 2019. We all need to be flexible in responding to a recovering supply chain, changing audience behaviours in light of COVID rules, environmental concerns and changing work patterns. The more we all talk, the easier it will be to navigate this evolving world and deal with any challenges.
  1. Make sure the purpose of your in real life experience is clear – We’re delighted to see exhibitions and trade shows starting up in Europe again, but we know that for many clients, the tone of conversation has changed. Although industry has found virtual exhibitions more difficult to adjust to than virtual events, you still need to give delegates a reason to attend. Be clear about the purpose of your exhibition or stand. Perhaps it’s brand recognition, a networking opportunity or a product launch, but ensure you’re making the most of those in person opportunities. Likewise, the hybrid approach is a great way to allow delegates who are struggling to attend due to time, money, environmental or financial considerations, to access your content. There have been a number of technical innovations during COVID, including our own virtual and hybrid congress solution FOYAH, keeping your messaging consistent across platforms will help you to maximise your event objectives.
  1. Remember that your competitors are thinking differently too – When it comes to exhibition stands, creativity will always be vitally important. However, we’re also seeing a shift in focus, with pharmaceutical companies wanting to demonstrate their corporate positioning in sustainability and wellbeing, in combination with scientific excellence. Of course, you’ll want to keep the engagement high on your stand, but the way in which you do this should also consider wider, corporate responsibility.

While flexibility of thinking is something we’ve all needed over the past two years, the next two look likely to require that same, agile mindset. Creating long-term, effective partnerships between exhibition organiser, client and agency is, for me, the best way to navigate these changing times.