A first for virtual congress

After several months of design and development, I’m really proud to be able to shout about an industry first that we’ve created here at The Creative Engagement Group – FOYAH.

FOYAH is a quick, flexible and cost-effective way to create a custom virtual congress presence and easily scale it across a portfolio of shows.

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Over the last 18 months, we’ve delivered 80+ virtual congresses. Along the way, we’ve learned that virtual offers greater audience reach, the ability to have a presence at more congresses than ever, increased longevity of content and a lower environmental impact vs physical congresses.

However, what surprised us and our clients was the high cost and complexity of a virtual congress presence offered by existing providers – a cost that has been made more acute by the requirement to now operate physical and virtual (hybrid) presences, often without a change in total budget.

All great products start with an urgent challenge to solve and here we had one: build a virtual congress platform that was simple, affordable, customisable and scalable.

Together with our in-house digital studio, we set about creating a solution. Many wireframes and lines of code later and we’d created FOYAH. There are three game-changing features that I want to call out:

1. Built to scale

From one event to hundreds, FOYAH can manage an exhibitor’s whole brand portfolio and event calendar through either a simple self-managed CMS or with our support. The larger the portfolio of instances, the larger the savings too.

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2. Truly flexible

With FOYAH, an exhibitor can apply simple, off-the-shelf templates, or our design team can work to build something bespoke. 

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3. Compliance driven

FOYAH has been designed by experts with a 30-year heritage in congress (especially medical congress) and can be tailored to an exhibitor’s bespoke compliance requirements. 

For example, an exhibitor can create exclusive content sections, activate pop up disclaimers and apply site entry acknowledgments.

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The proof of any new product is in the using. So why not find out more and book a demo to meet FOYAH for yourself?